What Will Happen If We Ignore Men's Rights?
Men's Rights can be defined quite simply as a movement that aims to promote and protect the rights of men. The issues MRA(Men's Rights Advocates) focus on are primarily 1) sexual harassment/equality law and it's fairness 2) rights and access to children 3) divorce law.
If we ignore the points of the Men's Rights Activists, we will encounter two forms of behavior:
This is basically dropping out. These are men that want to minimize the commitment and depth of their relationships with women. Their lifestyles range from monk-like to visiting prostitutes regularly. This article explains the MGTOW movement.
Islam is viewed in different ways by different groups. Some view it's spread positively, others are neutral, still others view it as a threat. It attracts converts for many reasons. It is no mystery that notions of "feminism" and gender equality are non existent in Islam. There are Jewish groups who have similar norms and they do not contradict Judaism explicitly. So in this option the men get more vigilant, either by joining Islam and expanding it's ranks or similar religious groups.
The Shidduch Crisis
The "Shidduch Crisis" refers to a perceived crisis in Jewish society related to the apparent shortage of men. Different groups view this so called "Crisis" in different ways. For instance some Jewish Men view the problem as out of control standards on the part of women who declare most Jewish males un-marriageable.
The Collapse of the Jewish Marriage
As far as the statistics go, Jewish Marriage is in decline. Divorce rates, illegitimacy rates and general dissatisfaction are at a historic high point. Surrounding these basic statistics are ever-growing social issues such as Get Refusal and the issue of Mamzers.
What is Get Refusal?
This is a term used to describe a man who refuses to issue a Get(Jewish divorce document). In Jewish tradition only the man has the right to initiate a divorce. The concept of a "get refuser" is mostly a new one. Jews were not condemned for this behavior until recently.
Michelle Chabin, Feminism and Mamzers
Michelle Chabin is a Jerusalem based woman who poses as an orthodox Jew, even a "rabbi" according to her own professed title. She accused me of being a "child molester" in the past(with absolutely no evidence, nor ever even making my acquaintance). In this article Michelle Chabin criticizes the ancient Jewish notion of Mamzers. It's quite obvious that Michelle does not respect Jewish law as it is written and practiced.
Lev Tahor
Lev Tahor is a Jewish sect that apparently practices gender norms similar to Islam. Is Lev Tahor an invalid form of Judaism? As far as I know, they do not violate any laws, they are merely thought to be extremists. Lev Tahor has been attacked relentlessly by various left wing social worker groups in Canada and elsewhere.

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