Just finished attending a lecture with Rabbi Shalom Miller at Oro Shel Adam in Sderot Adam, Israel. Things out here in Samaria(Shomron for Hebrew speakers) was rather calm today. I was inspired to write this:
There are no physical limitations, only spiritual ones if one has complete love for Gd, then the mitzvot follow from that. Nothing worldly can prevent a man from coming closer to G-d if he truly wishes. The work is in the soul, it's psychological. The task is to grow one's love for G-d. The question is how do you instill love for Gd in someone? The Kabbalah, in it's completeness, it's beauty and it's potency can do that. It is the ultimate "philosophy", it drives all of Halachah. It encompasses all of world philosophy, it is utterly Universal in that regard.
Some Jews have spent practically a lifetime in Yeshiva, and still fall off the path. Furthermore his children don't follow Judaism or Torah. Why? He didn't expand his love for Gd through the Kabbalah- the inner teachings of Judaism. He focused only on the compulsory elements of Judaism. He did not kindle the inner fire.

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